We Decentralize Genomics.

Our turnkey solutions unlock access to life-saving genomics at greatly improved economics to hospitals, doctors and patients around the world.

Intelligent Genomics

For Hospitals

Our turnkey solutions bring precision genomics inside hospitals. They allow C-Suite and medical leadership to quickly implement complete value chains, including patient and demand activation, fully managed laboratories and revenue recognition.

With Quantgene, bringing genomics inside becomes quickly profitable and elevates your care quality across the board.

Universal Cancer Screening

World-leading cancer detection performance beyond the standard of care.

Cancer Genetics

Hereditary cancer solution brings population-wide genetic testing in-house.

Genomic Tumor Profiling

Tumor profiling that elevates your cancer care and saves lives.

For Patients

Quantgene Qx allows you to screen for all cancers with one system. It helps you to detect cancer signals at a much earlier stage by combining precision genomics, imaging, and medical intelligence.

Qx Core

Comprehensive genomics combined with the world's leading medical intelligence for cancer detection.

Qx Plus

Comprehensive genomics combined with full-body MRIs and world leading medical intelligence for cancer detection.


R&D Investments
$ 36 Million
Patient Samples Processed

Clinical research partners

city of hope
Prisma health
the university of Arizona