Genomic technology can provide life-saving information that is often missed in standard care. QcX allows your physician to leverage precision genomics to understand your cancer with single-molecule precision.
cfDNA Liquid Biopsy: single-molecule precision profiling of your cancer (genes, million reads)
Germline genetics: understand how your genes affect your cancer (genes, millions reads)
Genomic Intelligence: connect the dots and unlock longitudinal tracking
How QCx Works
Dealing with cancer can be overwhelming, so we have made the QcX process as simple as possible for you and your physician. Our simple three step process:
Order your QxC test using the links above.
An order from your treating physician is required.
Fill out the QcX patient intake form
Your physician conducts the blood draw using a QcX-specific kit
QcX genomic technologies are used in clinical trials with:
Quantgene has been featured in:
For physicians
The QcX process is simple and straightforward, allowing you to spend more time with your patient. We deliver the kits directly to your office and schedule our consultations based on your availability.
QcX is delivered with comprehensive genomics reports
Each QcX order includes a 1:1 consultation for the treating physician and the Quantgene medical intelligence team. We provide full information about your patient.